Your Most asked STP FAQs Answered
‘easySTP’ is the latest / modern sewage treatment process being introduced in India by Indus Ecowater. easySTP process is used in Pre-fabricated and civil construction based sewage treatment plants.
MBBR & SBR use only aerobic bacteria. Oxygen / Air needed in this process is 10 times that of easySTP.
easySTP uses 90% anaerobic bacteria to reduce organic matter. Anerobic bacteria does not need oxygen. The air blower capacity in easySTP is only 10% when compared to that of MBBR or SBR. This means the power consumption in easySTP is 10% of MBBR / SBR of same capacity giving 90% savings in power cost.
There are three common types of treatment system in use.
Cesspits or Cesspools
These are simply a holding tank which must be emptied by tanker on a regular basis. There is no treatment what-so-ever in this. They are large structures, unsuitable for domestic use due to operating costs and they are the least favoured option under present regulations.
Septic tanks ex. GEST
Septic Tank provides minimum treatment. Treated water must be discharged to a soakaway only. These are generally only used for smaller domestic developments / hand are nowadays less acceptable to the planners.
Biological Treatment Plants ex. GEPSTP /
Custom Designed Plants
Provide a much higher level of treatment than septic tanks and may discharge treated water to a water course, provided a Consent to Discharge is in place. Treated water may be suitable for irrigation or other re-use. Modern packaged plants are the officially preferred option at present.
Most common reason is incorrect venting arrangement and / or improper plant operation. If it is a septic tank, the tank and drain pipes have to be sealed and vent pipe has to be provided at the correct location. It is important to de-sludge septic tank at right intervals. If it is a biological aeration plant, it has to be operated properly as per manufacturer’s guidance.
All Indus Sewage Treatment Plants (GEPSTP & Custom Designed) are designed to achieve the minimum industry requirement of 30:50:20 mg/l (BOD:SS:NH4-N respectively). Often the performance will be far better than the minimum specified by the environmental regulatory agencies.
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