Sewage Treatment in Hyderabad

All the civilization across the world developed next to the river primarily to provide water and dispose used water. Every city in India is discharging its sewage into nearby river that is the drinking water source for the town downstream. Nature has been treating and recycling the sewage. 50 Lakh children die due to water borne dieses caused by sewage

Why Treat Sewage?

Understand the implications of disposing the un-treated sewage

Nature has been treating and recycling all the sewage

Prevent spread of diseases

Sewage contains pathogenic bacterial like e-coli. 50 Lakh children die every year due to diseases caused by untreated sewage.

Prevent Foul Smell

Properly designed and operated STP will not generate any foul smell.

For Recycling

Sewage is the most assured  source of water. Recycling will solve our water shortage.

Sewage Treatment is Mandatory

Government has stipulated that all major non-residential users must treat their sewage before discharging. into environment


Invest in your Own Sewage Treatment Plant today!

How Sewage Treatment Plant works?

Sewage Treatment is a natural process.
The Sewage Treatment enation is analogous to the way that a tank works but mechanical components provide additional processes to assist break down solids to supply a cleaner, more environmentally friendly effluent.
Wastewater and sewage, usually from variety of properties, are fed into the first settlement tank where solids and liquids separate and therefore the liquor flows into the biozone chamber. within the chamber, a pump aerates the waste and encourages good bacteria to digest the organic matter, breaking it down and purifying it.

As it leaves the ultimate chamber, referred to as the humus chamber, the effluent is usually 95% clean and prepared for discharge into local watercourses, ditches or land drainage systems, subject to consent by the Environment Agency.

Indus are experts within the maintenance of small-scale Sewage Treatment Plants, keeping mechanical components in perfect working order through regular servicing. Sewage Treatment Plants also got to be emptied a minimum of once a year to stay the system freed from the sludge that accumulates naturally over time.

We offer a quick , friendly and efficient service for homeowners who need their Sewage Treatment Plant maintained or serviced, or just need some help or advice from the experts in domestic sewage collection.

Take a learned decision- Download our STP Buyer’s Guide

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